Home Improvement

Design Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Design Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

The bedroom can become a multifunctional room – such as a library, office, or laundry room – but the main purpose of the bedroom is a sanctuary for sleep. It is the most personal space in your home and should be the most luxurious – a place where you relax and feel comfortable in. Below are some tips that will help you design your bedroom for better sleep, which is something you need to consider alongside styles, color options, and furniture.

A good mattress is important for getting a good night’s rest

Getting a new mattress might be the solution to getting a good night’s rest. If you have a mattress that is too soft or too lumpy, you might be forced to spend the entire night trying to get comfortable. There is a wide range of options when it comes to mattresses, such as foam, pillow, adjustable, innerspring, airbeds, and waterbeds. Each of these types has been made in such a way you will feel comfortable and get better sleep.

Below are some of the steps you need to follow when shopping a mattress;

Doing extensive research, because mattresses are not cheap, there is no need to hurry. Browse these Stearns and Foster mattress reviews.

Once you have chosen a mattress, the next step is testing it. You should take advantage of a 30 or 60-day guarantee or your money back if the mattress has this offer. Do not be afraid to try it out in the store by lying on it the same way you do at home.

Figure out the size you need (King, Queen, or Full) because it could be the cause of you not having good sleep. Maybe the small mattress is the issue, especially when sharing a bed.

If you are interested in determining whether you need to get a new mattress, check out the guidelines from The Better Sleep Council because it can help you out.

Darkness is a very important condition needed if you want a good sleep

Brandon Peter, M.D, from the University of Minnesota Medical Center and an expert in sleep medicine and neurology, has explained how the mind and body’s natural circadian rhythm behaves after a dark-light cycle. The amount of light you have in the bedroom is going to have an effect on your sleep.

The current situation with our lifestyle has resulted in people not getting the dark and calm environments that the body needs for sleep. Modern devices such as televisions, digital clocks, computers, and phones produce a lot of light that causes interruption to your Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. There are some things you need to do to deal with such problems. Start by hiding computers or television, and choosing vintage open-faced alarm clock instead of digital alarm clocks that produce light. Your phone should not be in the bedroom; if it is a must you have your phone close to you, then hide it away in a place like the side table drawer.

Air temperature can have an effect on sleep

Whether the room is too warm or too cold, it is going to have an effect on your sleep, and this is according to Ralph Downey III, PhD. At Loma Linda University as the Chief of Sleep Medicine. Altering the thermostat could be the solution to your sleep problem. Other options when it comes to ensuring you have the right temperature in your bedroom include portable heater, ceiling fan, or heavy blinds and window treatments, it is going to help by keeping your room dark and preventing the weather outside from getting inside your room.

Soothing colors and soothing sounds can help with getting good sleep

It can be fun to have bright and vibrant colors, but you should not consider them for your bedroom, especially if you have a hard time getting quality sleep. You should opt for soothing and calm colors such as greens, muted blues, and pastels. If you are interested in adding some bright colors to your home, then do it through artworks or accents on your pillow.

Soothing sounds have also been shown to help with promoting sleep. Some soothing sounds include soft wind chimes, babbling brook, or crickets chirping. You can get a CD player to use in playing these sounds so you can hide your electronics away. If you want to be natural, you can have wind chimes outside the window or a small fountain in your bedroom.

Clutter can cause lack of sleep and anxiety

Too much clutter can result in poor sleep. There are many studies that have shown how clutter can cause anxiety and uneasiness in a room. You should try your best to have your bedroom in order so you don’t keep tripping over stuff. You should try cleaning before sleeping. Use the various storage options in your bedroom to deal with the clutter. Most of the storage solutions are affordable and are appealing too.

Buy the Best Type of Mattresses and You Can Have A Sound Sleep Now

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