
7 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

7 ways to reduce food waste

Food wastage is one of the biggest problems that the world is facing today. Based on a report shared by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, one third of the food produced in the world goes waste. Surprisingly developed nations waste similar quantities of food as developing nations. This food wastage affects both humans and the environment in an adverse way. Waste food sent to landfill gets converted to methane which is the second most common greenhouse gas. Thus, by wasting food, we are contributing to climate change as well. As per the World Resources Institute, 24 percent of water used for growing food is lost through its wastage every year.

These statistics are alarming and if such wastage continues, then our planet will get damaged. Each individual will have to take responsibility to prevent the environment from catastrophic damage. By taking simple and small steps we all can contribute to reduce food waste. Let us have a look at some of these steps so that we can save the environment by reducing food wastage.

Shop smart

Nowadays we all visit foodmarts that have showcase all the products at one place. Thus, we end up buying more food than we actually need. Buying food in bulk is a convenient option, but it leads to more food wastage. To avoid buying in bulk, focus on products that you need in the immediate future. Take frequent trips to the supermarket to buy food products. Always go with a list and stick to it while buying food items. You can also buy local produce which is good for both the environment and local farmers.

Preserve food

If you have food products that can get spoiled easily, then you should use food preserving techniques. Fermenting and pickling are two such techniques that have been used for ages now. Other techniques like freezing, curing, fermenting, canning, etc. can also be used to preserve food. This will reduce food wastage and shrink your contribution to carbon footprint. These techniques are simple to implement as well.

Organize food usage

If your kitchen is organized, then the food waste will automatically reduce. Create meal plans so that you know what and when food items should be bought. Keep the food items arranged in the fridge and the kitchen. Thus, you will know which items are expiring and should be consumed earlier. This is the simplest way of reducing food wastage.

Use biodegradable food products

Biodegradable food items have less impact on the environment. These food items get easily broken down into natural elements, water vapor, and carbon dioxide by bacteria and fungi. Almost 30 percent of the waste produced in the kitchen is biodegradable. Nowadays biodegradable packaging is also being used to sell food products. For example, Nespresso compatible coffee pods is one such product that you can buy for making coffee.

Save leftovers

Most of the time food is left after a meal and is stored in the fridge. It is often forgotten and then thrown away once it goes bad. You can start cooking a sufficient quantity of food so that the amount of leftover reduces. Also, try to cook more often so that leftovers can be used instead of being thrown away.

Food composting

Composting leftover food is a great way to reuse food scrap. In this process, food waste is turned into energy for plants. So, if you have a kitchen garden in your house, then you can do composting in your house. Countertop composters are also available if you don’t have a garden in your house. Countertop composting systems are easy to use and need limited space in the house.

Good eating choices

Restaurants are also equally responsible in generating food wastage. If you are eating outside, ensure that you bring the leftovers back home. You should also order enough quantity for your meal. Try choosing restaurants that serve food made from local produce. More usage of local produce reduces the carbon footprint.

It’s good that you have decided to control food wastage in your house or outside. Some of the steps mentioned above will help you in contributing to reducing food wastage. In short, buy limited food, buy local produce, and use leftovers as much as you can.

Kelly Passarelly
Kelly Passarelly is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about different topics.

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