
6 Things to Do After Being Charged with First-Degree Assault

Do After Being Charged with First-Degree Assault

It is never pleasant to find out you have been charged with first-degree assault. The charges can be surprising, and the implications are often quite serious. That’s why it’s important to take several steps after being charged with first-degree assault. Some of the steps might seem like common sense, but it’s key to make an effort to help protect yourself.

1. Stay Off Social Media

The most important thing you can do after being charged with first-degree assault is to stay off social media. You don’t need to post anything or have any type of interaction on social media because these could be used against you. Social media is not the place to declare your innocence or try to clear your name so it’s best to stay off of it.

2. Remain Silent

When you are arrested, the police will likely try to get you to talk. You mustn’t say anything until you have had a chance to speak with an attorney. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You should also be aware of your Miranda rights, which include the right to remain silent.

3. Cooperate with Police

While you don’t need to talk to the police, it is important to cooperate with them. Answer their questions politely and honestly, but do not volunteer any information. Remember, anything you say can be used against you in court.

4. Get a Good Defense Attorney

A good defense attorneyis essential when facing charges for first-degree assault. It is important to find a defense attorney who has a solid reputation for winning cases and has enough legal experience representing someone charged with first-grade assault. You need to choose the lawyer who has the best chance of providing you with fair and quality legal representation instead of a family friend or a lawyer who simply makes you feel good.

5. Look for Errors in Police Officer Report

When you are charged with a crime, you must find any errors made by police while working on your case. Look over the arrest report and make note of anything incorrect or misleading. If there are mistakes, you may be able to get some or all of your charges dismissed! Do not file official documents without legal advice; if found guilty of filing false reports, you could face additional charges!

6. Keep Good Records

Finally, keep good records of everything related to your case: interactions with law enforcement officers, time spent at the jail and court hearings, etc. This information can be helpful to your attorney and may be necessary if you decide to take your case to trial. This is important not just for first-degree assault cases, but for any criminal case.

If you are charged with first-degree assault, it is important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself. Contact an attorney immediately and cooperate with the police. Remember to look for any errors in the police report and keep good records of everything related to your case. With a strong defense, you can put your best foot forward and hopefully avoid conviction.

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