
5 Fascinating Things To Know About The Antarctic

About The Antarctic

If you are looking for the perfect vacation and want to experience something that most people will never get to see in their lives you should highly consider visiting Antarctica. Antarctica is a beautiful country and continent. There is a lot to see in this majestic place, but you must explore it the right way. It is nearly impossible to visit this country by car so your best option is to explore parts unknown on an Antarctica cruise. An Antarctic cruise allows you to see all that Antarctica has to offer. Here are some of the top things to know about Antarctica before booking a reservation.

#1) Visit From November to March

When you hear these months it may seem crazy to explore parts unknown on an Antarctica cruise during the winter months. This month, from November to March, is actually the summer months in Antarctica. During these months you can see the most animals in Antarctica and enjoy the benefits of 24 hours of daylight. Visiting during these months you can take in views of the great continent, the ocean, icebergs, and animals no matter what time you choose to wake up or go to bed. If you visit during any other time of the year you may not be able to see any animals and will only be able to see icebergs.

#2) Use A Small Ship

Many cities in Antarctica only allow 100 people to leave a cruise ship at a time. If you book with a smaller cruise ship you can all leave the ship at the same time. You will not have to wait for people to come back on board before you can experience the culture that Antarctica has to offer. A smaller ship makes it more convenient when you go to get off. A smaller shi also makes the journey and the experience more personal. You can spend more time looking at all that nature has to offer rather than getting distracted by other passengers.

#3) The Seas Can Be Choppy

The seas on the coast of Antarctica can be very choppy and rough because of all the ice in the water. Since the seas can be rougher than what we are used to it is essential that you are prepared. If you are prone to seasickness you should pack mediation to help prevent you from getting sick. Even if you are not prone to seasickness you should pack some. You do not want to spend this once in a lifetime experience in bed. Being prepared will ensure that you get to do and see everything that you want.

#4) Stay On The Paths

When you are allowed to get off the cruise ship you will be able to walk on the ice and see the nature of Antarctica up close and personal. You should be prepared with correct clothing and shoes. To help yourself stay safe you should always listen to the experts. They will help you understand the best places to walk. If you leave the paths that are planned out for you you could risk falling into freezing water or encountering a dangerous and deadly animal. Many of these paths that are planned out will get you close to penguins but they will keep you at a safe distance. If you travel into the penguin’s paths you may completely disrupt their habits and lifestyles.

#5) Bring Cameras

The nature and magnificence of Antarctica is a beautiful thing that you will want to remember for the rest of your life. You should ensure that you can capture each moment and bring several cameras with you. Antantrica is a large and beautiful country with so much to see. You can use your camera to get great pictures of icebergs, nature, animals, the ocean, and yourself. This content is one of the least explored countries of all and taking pictures can help you share your experiences with everyone else. Furthermore, you can read our article on the website to know about traveling, resorts, and destinations.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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