
5 Easy Ways to Make Remote Learning Less Stressful for Children

Remote learning

There was a time parents were worried about the hour’s children spent in front of a television or laptop. Recently, this has become a new normal as students are forced to use computers and smartphones to learn and avoid lagging in classwork. Remote learning has proved to be difficult contrary to what was expected. Learners have had to deal with stress and lack of motivation to learn. It is the guardian/parent and the teacher’s duty to help the children manage and cope with stress, become resilient, and achieve their educational goals.


For any child who is still under development, the order of things is critical. Children believe that learning is most effective in classrooms where the teacher guides them physically. Learning in schools is also very predictable as a fixed schedule is followed. As a parent, come up with a program and allocate time for your child to learn. The plan aims to develop a habit and spirit of participation. The schedule must include other household duties that a child is supposed to do. Completing the entire task will make the child feel more responsible. This routine will encourage the child to achieve more, even in their classwork. Do not forget to include breaks and playtime in the schedule; they make learning fun for a child. It should be flexible to give room for unplanned events.


Being away from friends and teachers, learners cannot effectively communicate the challenges they encounter tackling various subjects. This can build up stress for your child. As a parent, get involved in the learning process and help your children master multiple concepts. As a parent, you’re needed to help the child, not do the work for them. Students should handle homework and assignments. Sit with your child in family meetings and talk to them, listen carefully to their struggles, and provide guidance, encouragement, and any material requirements. Parents and teachers can help learners stay connected through online virtual meetings. Allow the child to stay social by connecting to friends from school and relatives.

Provide learning environment

Schools provide a fun and engaging environment that is conducive to the learning process. Include charts in the study room, use slides for contrasting items, and provide crayons and drawing books to enhance their interest. If your child is into reading, you have to set up a home library to access books conveniently. They can use the home compound for physical education. When learning geography and biology, the home surrounding will be resourceful. They can identify animals, plants or collect rocks and soil if need be.

Use technology

While undertaking online classes, there will be a tendency to learn more theoretical lessons than practical ones. Children will learn best by doing what they see. They might forget what was said but what was done will be remembered vividly. Videos will always fascinate children, and they will imitate what is demonstrated and will be easily achieved the lesson objective.

Weekends and holidays

Children have a shorter attention span. If they are learning every day in the whole week, it will be boring, and children will be straining to keep up with classwork. Taking children out on weekends and holidays will break the monotony and work wonders on their mental health. During this time, children can seek professional help if they require it to deal with stress.

Having learned these tips as a parent or a teacher, know that you are not perfect and neither will be your child. Ask for help from teachers and colleagues and do what is best for your child. Keep things simple and create a balance in the child’s life by controlling all the activities they engage in, ensuring they get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and do not spend too much time on a single task.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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