Health & Fitness

Is Teletherapy As Good As In-Person?


When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, many things changed. Various businesses moved their operations online, and working from home became a norm.

The pandemic also changed many things in the healthcare field. During the height of the pandemic, keeping people safe and away from others was vital, so telehealth services became more widespread than ever before.

While many things have opened up in society again, telehealth services haven’t gone away. Many patients and providers saw the benefits of these services, so many places still provide online appointments for various health concerns.

One area where telehealth has really taken off is mental health services. While for many physical conditions, it’s vital to see a doctor in person and run various tests, mental health is slightly different.

Therapy can be conducted over a video call or the phone, but is teletherapy really as good as in-person therapy?

Let’s discuss this question to help you choose which is best.

Benefits Of Online Therapy

Online therapy services have many advantages, and they can provide mental health resources to people who might not be able to access them otherwise.

Some of the potential advantages of online therapy include:

  • Teletherapy makes it easier for people with disabilities or certain health conditions to see a therapist.
  • Online therapy can be more affordable.
  • Telehealth therapy appointments make fitting mental health services into a busy schedule much simpler.
  • Online therapy is an option even when people are sick.
  • Telehealth services give people in rural areas more options to find a suitable therapist.
  • Virtual options can help those with specific or rare health conditions find a specialist who isn’t in their area.

Overall, the primary advantage of teletherapy services is flexibility. Some people don’t have a therapist nearby, or can’t leave their house often. By offering online services, more people can access these vital resources.

Advantages Of In-Person Therapy

While online therapy is excellent for many people, it’s not right for everyone. Some of the benefits of choosing in-person therapy include that:

  • It can be easier to connect with your therapist in person.
  • In-person therapy can minimize distractions by creating a quiet space.
  • When in person, the therapist and client can better read facial expressions and body language.
  • Some kinds of therapy, such as play therapy for children, are necessary to do in person.

Many people prefer in-person counseling as they want to physically see their therapist. It’s also helpful for those who feel more secure accessing their emotions and stress outside their own home; the office can act as a safe space to explore mental health.

So, Which Options Are Better?

When deciding whether to get teletherapy or in-person therapy, it depends on your needs. Some people prefer one over the other, and it’s also about access. Your insurance may only cover certain mental health providers, so you may have to go with whatever they offer.

You should also choose the option you feel most comfortable with or that offers you the best results. If you try one option and don’t like it, you can always switch things up. It can take trying a couple differnet therapists to find the right fit.

One of the most important things is to find a therapist who works with patients in your demographic and specializes in helping with the issues you have. So, always research and remember that it might take trial and error to find the right therapist for you.

Your mental health is worth the effort!

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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