
Five qualities that translation companies look in a freelance translator

translation companies

To become a translator, there are certain qualities that every individual must develop. A client would never compromise upon the skill set and the technicalities when they are hiring. In order to meet these industry standards, it becomes essential for each and every individual who is aspiring to become a translator to work on their holistic development.

Only when they focus on both the technical skills and behavioural skills would they would be able to crack the interview and land into a perfect job. There are several companies that have started outsourcing translation jobs to the freelancers.

If you are aspiring to get associated with any of these giant players, you must understand certain things and prepare yourself to get qualified to the position. You can know more about the tips and tricks that can be applied in order to make your way into a company without any hassles.

Also, as a freelance translator, you must understand that there are some of the most important skillsets that each and every company would be looking forward to when they are hiring freelance translators to work with them.

  1. Technical ability

In order to apply as a freelance translator at dormzi or any of the companies, it is mandatory that you have certain technical abilities. When we speak about technical knowledge, it is about the in-depth understanding of the language along with comprehension and grammar skills.

Knowledge about certain tools like CAT that is used extensively in the translation business, fair knowledge about computer and also other applications, and finally good typing speed are also mandatory.

Apart from all these things, the translator would also be expected to have cross-cultural knowledge with respect to every language that you master in. When these technical abilities are in place, the companies would be completely convinced and proceed to hire you to work with them.

  1. Presentation skills

A person with great technical skills will certainly make it to the interview as a person with amazing presentation skills along with the technical ability will be the first choice of any company.

Although you work as a freelancer, there would be a proper and procedural interview conducted during the hiring process by the organisations. If you do not know how to present the concepts well, it becomes extremely difficult for you to strike a conversation with the interviewer that is having a discussion with you.

Also, the company assigns the projects to you are going to be the single point of contact with the clients. You must always be presentable both in terms of communication and also your work style.

  1. Quality of work

The interviews that are going to be conducted by the organisations even while hiring freelance translators are going to be quite extensive. There would be several rounds of interviews and discussions that would be conducted.

During every phase, there are a lot of chances of you getting eliminated. In order to bag the job offer, it is highly essential to convince the interviewer with the quality of work that you do. There is no client that would want to compromise on the quality of work with anything else. This is yet another important skillset that every individual must possess in order to be hired by a company.

  1. The attitude of a go-getter

A majority of the organisation outsource the translation job to freelancers. The pool of freelance translators is extremely vast. In order to get the projects, it is important to have an attitude of a go-getter. If you lack motivation, self-confidence, the chances of you getting the project is extremely bleak. This is one of the major skillsets that every client or an organisation would be looking forward to in every translator that they are planning to hire.

  1. Writing and Time Management Skills

It is important for every translator to develop compelling writing skills in order to impress the client right at the first meet. The writing style and also the writing skills are going to be measured at the time of the interview by the organisation and if the interviewer is not convinced with either of these your chances of getting into the job is going to remain a dream.

No organisation would entertain a translator who cannot stick to the deadlines and deliver the project on time. If you cannot meet the deadlines, it becomes extremely difficult for the clients to answer to the end-user. Therefore, although you are a freelancer, the organisation would always remember to check for your time management skills and also the way you deliver the project.

These are the five most important skillsets that every company would be looking forward to when they are hiring freelance translators to work with them.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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