
Essential Software Every Small Business Should Have

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As a small business owner it can be tough to understand where you should be spending your money and every investment has to vie reviewed carefully to ensure that it is worthwhile. When it comes to the digital side of things, this too can be confusing. There are however some software options which all small businesses should bear in mind, that are going to help with operations. Before you get lost in a jungle of API management solutions and other all singing/all dancing software suites, these are the basics which every small business should have.

Accounting and Payroll

Every business needs to have a very clear picture of what they are doing with their money and they also need to have a simple software package which helps them to organize and manage their payroll. Even if you have a small operation with just a couple of employees, these details are absolutely essential and from a compliance perspective you need to get this software.

Social Media Management

Social media management software will be an essential part of your daily business operations. This software can be sued to schedule posts, to check engagement and to view a wide array of metrics on where your content is performing best, how it is being engaged with and additional information such as the demographics of those who are engaging.

Customer Relationship Management

The key to gaining trusting and loyal customers is knowing what they are looking for, what their behaviors are and collecting as much information you can on them. Smart customer relation management software (CRM) will enable you to do just this and you’ll have a portal where you can keep and organize the information that matters on your customers.

File Backup and Recovery

Is your business protected against a potential hack or electronic mistake which sees all of your stored information disappear? Most aren’t and this is why having software which backs up your files and supports the recovery of lost data is essential. This could have a potentially disastrous impact on your business and your reputation amongst customers. Given that there is a solution at hand, it would be a big mistake if you didn’t have it in place to protect the company and its customers.


And finally it will be a very important tool for a small business to have some software which helped them to understand their web analytics. Operations online, even for businesses which have little to do with the web, are going to be essential in gaining new customers and bringing more people through the door. In order to to tap into this market a business needs to know what it’s customers want and how to go about giving it to them, web analytics will give you the information that you need in order to do exactly that.

Simple software solutions which your small business will be able to use to ensure the smooth running of daily operations and to sharpen up the speed and efficiency of the business as a whole.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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