Health & Fitness

7 Misconceptions Associated With Protein-Based Diet

Protein-Based Diet

Protein cells within the human body is a natural forming amino acid. Protein cells support the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. They help to maintain and repair our muscles, bones, skin, hair, hormones, and so much more.

Adding more protein foods in our daily diet is recognized as suppressing our appetite by lessening our hunger pangs and increasing the body’s metabolism so that we will lose weight. Intaking more protein has been proven to help fight diabetes by lowering our blood pressure.

The typical protein daily intake for women is recommended at 46 grams and for men 56 grams. A protein-based diet contains any food except sugar, starchy vegetables, grains, and fruit. The foods categorized to supplement our daily protein diet entail:

o Chicken/turkey skinless breast meat

o Cottage cheese

o Eggs

o Fish of all types including shrimp

o Greek yogurt

o Lean beef

o Lentils

o Milk

o Nuts i.e., almonds, pistachios, cashews

o Oats

o Peanuts

o Seeds/grain i.e., quinoa, pumpkin seeds

o Tuna

o Veggies like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.

o Whey protein supplements

Each dietary regiment has its fill of doubters and supporters. A protein-based diet is no different. There are several misconceptions associated around a protein-based diet. These include the following:

1: Protein-based Diets Cause Kidney Damage

Individuals who have been diagnosed with kidney disease should consult with their physician before increasing their intake of protein. There is a big difference between avoiding protein because your kidneys are already damaged and protein actively damaging healthy kidneys. Chemically, eating more protein does cause the kidney to work a little harder in filtering our the blood system. But protein has not been shown that it causes kidney damage.

2: Protein Diets Increases Body Fat

Protein does cause our insulin to go into storing mode. Yes, the body will change calories from lots of protein and turn it to fat. However, research has shown that this fat is healthy for the body and it is not fat related to weight gain.

If you are healthy, protein along with exercise can help people lose weight. High protein diets do not cause an increase in weight because a protein-based diet does cause the body to hold onto this nutrient, instead, it can use protein in a variety of different ways.

When athletes reduce their high-protein intake, the body experiences minor loss of muscle tissue. Bodybuilders and sports athletes partake in protein-based diets along with professional supplements to help maintain their muscle mass and to help keep their energy levels high.

For athletes and bodybuilders, The Institute of Medicine states that they can ingest 0.9 grams per pound of their body weight along with exercising.

3: Drinking Raw Eggs Is Great Added Protein

When people drink eggs as a source of extra protein, the protein is absorbed but only half of this nutrient. Yes, you can drink pasteurized egg whites but not consistently, because raw eggs diminish the body’s supply of biotin which is a required vitamin that the body needs. Also, ingesting raw egg whites releases a lot of gas which can be quite embarrassing at inappropriate times.

4: You Should Only Consumer 30 Grams of Protein At A Time

The human body is very capable of digesting a lot more protein than 30 grams at a single meal. Many people believe that on a protein-based diet, you should only consume 30 grams of lean beef per meal. This is not true! You can eat a good portion of proteins at each meal and the human body will use what it needs and expel the rest.

5: Protein-based Diet Causes Bone Loss

A high-protein diet is recommended for seniors to help them retain muscle mass and promote healing. Scientific studies have proven that when the body is treated to a protein-based diet that it can help to repair the bone loss and strengthen bone cartilage.

6: Protein-based Diet causes Body Odor

A protein-based diet as identified above contains vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Lean red meat is also recommended on a protein livened regiment. These foods can leave a residue in the intestines.

This mixes with the bacteria that live on the skin and can be secreted through our sweat and perspiration. Not every individual partaking in a heavy-protein dietary menu experiences body odour, but it can occur in people with a slow metabolism.

7: Athletes Need A High Protein Diet

The USDA reports that there is no specific difference in adding more protein in the body for athletes or anyone else. However, athletes do amp up their protein intake because of the rigorous and intense exercises they perform that activate a chemical change where stored protein is used as fuel.


In summary, adding more protein in our diet has proven to help repair muscle tissue, build lean muscle, stave our appetite, lessens muscle loss, and helps you to maintain a healthy weight. But, don’t forget that we are talking about a “diet.” This means following a doctor’s recommended protein-based diet or one of the more popular protein inspired diets to achieve your body goal.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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