
What Are The Different Kinds Of Personal Injury Attorneys?

Personal Injury Attorney

Personal injury attorneys are well known for representing clients who have been injured in a car accident, but they also represent clients with different types of injuries. A personal injury attorney will usually specialize in a few different practice areas chosen from all available options.

Here’s a list of 7 of the most common types of personal injury lawyers.

Car and truck accidents

Lawsuits for injuries sustained in accidents involving passenger vehicles and trucks are common, and it’s the only way most people can pay their medical and household bills. After an injury, people are often left with medical bills that pile up high and if they can’t work, they’re losing money daily.

A car accident or truck accident attorney specializes in winning cases for clients who have been injured by a negligent driver or other third party involving a vehicle. A car accident injury lawsuit is easy for a skilled attorney to win when they can prove negligence.

Motorcycle accidents

A motorcycle accident attorney specializes in winning compensation for clients injured while riding a motorcycle. Since motorcycle accidents often result in severe injuries, the road to recovery can be long and painful. It can also be expensive since medical insurance plans don’t usually cover everything.

Like any other injury case, motorcycle accident victims are sometimes entitled to additional compensation beyond medical bills. A skilled motorcycle attorney knows how to get this additional compensation for their clients.

Bicycle accidents

According to the CDC, nearly 1,000 bicyclists are killed and more than 130,000 are injured every year in the United States. As a result, bicycle accident attorneys are in high demand. Most of the time, a bicycle accident is caused by a passenger vehicle whose driver didn’t see the bicyclists. However, many accidents are caused when bicyclists ignore the rules of the road and ride through stop signs, stop lights, and fail to signal for turns. Some even wear all-black clothing at night and ride across busy roads.

In some cases, a driver can still be held responsible for injuries when a bicyclist ignored traffic laws, which makes bicycle attorneys a must for anyone who has been injured, regardless of how the accident happened.

Slip and fall accidents

Almost everyone knows what it’s like to slip and fall, but sometimes it can result in a serious injury, like a broken or fractured bone, a head injury, and/or lacerations. When someone slips and falls in a business or someone’s residence, they have the right to file a lawsuit to cover their medical bills. Generally, the compensation will be paid by an insurance company.

Since insurance companies aim to protect their profits at all times, they don’t usually offer injured parties decent settlement amounts. A slip and fall accident lawyer is highly skilled in negotiating with insurance companies in order to get their clients the proper amount of compensation for their injuries.

Traumatic brain injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a violent blow or jolt to a person’s head or body. Sometimes the impact is only mild and short-term, but other times, a TBI can have serious long-term complications and can even lead to death.

A personal injury attorney specializing in TBIs is familiar with the process injured parties must go through to recover, and they know exactly how to convince a judge or jury to side with the victim and award generous compensation.

Wrongful death

Wrongful death attorneys help people seek justice for the death of a loved one that was caused by someone else’s negligence. These cases can be complex, and an attorney helps their clients by providing guidance, managing all the legal paperwork, gathering evidence, and negotiating with insurance providers to get the most compensation possible.

Premises liability

Most people know customers can sue businesses for injuries sustained on their property, but premises liability also applies to residential properties. For instance, if someone’s guest falls in a hole and breaks their leg, the homeowner can be held legally liable for that injury if they failed to disclose the presence of the danger to their guest. A premises liability lawyer takes cases like this and helps people win the money they need to cover their medical bills, lost wages, and more.

If you’ve been injured, contact a personal injury attorney

If you’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence, it’s crucial that you find a personal injury attorney who specializes in your type of case. Don’t try to win your case alone. A lawyer will give you the best chance at compensation.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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