
Property Developers: Why You Should Just Avoid Disputes

Property Developers

Building a home is an exciting time for any property owner. Whether it is your first dream home, or a property you intend to sell, there is something so exhilarating about knowing that a stunning new build will be in your name!

However, building disputes happen in Australia every day, especially as we are a country that is constantly in a phase of construction. Everywhere you go it seems as if there is a new build happening and you can therefore imagine that disagreements happen every day.

These disagreements are typically minor and easily-resolved. However, sometimes they have the potential to spiral out of control, and this can be incredibly stressful for any property owner.

With this in mind, here are a few reasons why property developers should work to avoid disagreements:

They slow down the construction process

    The best building dispute solicitors Melbourne has will always attest to how much a construction argument can slow down the building process. As a developer, you naturally want the job done as soon as possible, so that you can move into the home or begin the process of selling it to a worthy buyer.

    Well, you can expect long delays in either of these processes if you find yourself in a lengthy disagreement with your construction company. You will find yourself in a drawn-out disagreement that could even go as far as the dreaded VCAT tribunal (something which will put even more time onto this already miserable process!).

    You want to enjoy your investment for what it is – an expensive and life-changing investment. Therefore, the last thing you want to do is get into a disagreement that is going to slow down the construction process by weeks (if not months!).

    They can give you a bad reputation

    Neither the builder or the property owner’s reputation comes out unscathed after a construction dispute. People in the industry talk and they talk about how you and your builder got into a lengthy disagreement that made you both look bad. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the right or in the wrong – people in the industry will talk and this can leave you in strife for potential future builds.

    For example, say you’re a budding property developer and this is your first build. Now imagine that you find yourself locked in a drawn-out law construction disagreement with your builder. Word will start to spread around the industry and whether you’re in the right or wrong you are the one who is new to the development game.

    Other construction companies will be immediately weary of working with you in the future. We don’t mean to sound harsh but it’s just the way it is. You need to forge happy owner-builder relationships to be a successful developer and this is impossible if you find yourself in construction disagreements.

    They can be costly, too

    VCAT tribunal is an annoying process that can take a long time to resolve. But did you also know that it can be incredibly costly? Really, the last thing you want is to spend thousands of dollars on VCAT bills – you just want the job to get done. Unfortunately, VCAT can be a very expensive process and one that will draw out funds that could be used for other projects.

    Therefore, try and avoid building disputes at all costs – your trusted solicitor will help you do this with sound advice that will stop the dispute in its tracks!

    FadLy Handowo
    My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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