Home Improvement

Roaches, Rats, & Termites — What They’re Trying to Tell You & When to Call the Pros

pest infestation at home

Do you have a pest infestation at home or at work? It’s not fun and beside it being super unpleasant, pests can bring disease, leave unwanted residue, and even destroy a structure.

Perhaps you think you can get rid of them on your own. Maybe you’re wondering common things like, “How long does rat poison take to work?“ or “Will a store-bought bug bomb kill roaches?”

But we’re here to tell you — calling a professional is the best choice.

Below we give you three tips on why you should not only hire the pros, but also figure out why these pests are there in the first place.

Don’t DIY Pest Infestations

The best and fastest way to get rid of pests is to hire a professional. Whether the pests have made a home of your home or they’re just arriving, get them out.

When handling any type of infestation, you have to determine why, where, and how these creatures infiltrated the property. Only at that point can you cut them off and then treat the problem inside.

And let’s be real, most average homeowners don’t know where to begin in finding the root cause of any infestation.

Plus, guesswork can waste time and using store bought chemicals to get rid of pests can cause harm to all the humans existing in a space.

Save yourself the time, hassle, and money — get the pro’s expert help.

Discover the Reason Why Your Property is Infested

As soon as you see one, rest assured there’s a nest or colony somewhere near. This creeps you out and sends chills down your spine, doesn’t it? And sure, you’ll immediately go with our #1 recommendation and call someone. While you’re waiting on the pros arrive, think about this:

  • Roaches are attracted to trash and waste. If it’s dirty, old, and putrid, they want it. So, think: What brought them there in the first place? Is there a space in the home or office where a deep clean is necessary? If you “kill” their nest, it’s no good if your space isn’t clean. Roaches can reappear. After the professionals sweep up, be sure you’re not welcoming them back.
  • Rats are rodents and by nature, they hide in very small spaces. They can even go up and down pipes and climb to very high stories. One of the most common things that attracts rats is garbage. Even if you have the cleanest apartment in your building, you may see a rat wondering about. Why? Because of trash. Organic waste will always attract a rat. So, be sure to take your trash out often and try to get a waste basket you can cover.
  • Is there decayed or rotting wood somewhere in your home? This insect colony can be tricky to track because they hide behind the walls. And, it seldom has anything to do with your trash or dirt. If you suspect you have termites, it’s definitely time to call the pros because these pests can cause structural damage. But, their lesson to you is that they came because there’s rotting and unkept wood in your structure. Don’t just get rid of them; look at the wood inside your home and make sure it’s safe for you and yours.

Keep Your Spaces Clean — Even After the Pros Are Gone

As much as you can, clean your spaces.

Sure, you feel better once the experts have treated your space. But that doesn’t mean that unwanted creatures can’t return.

If a pest comes back it’s because they’re attracted to something in your space. Like it or not, there’s often a lesson hiding behind their arrival. The more you can do to dissuade them from visiting, the better.

Final Thoughts

Getting rid of any kind of unwanted guest sucks.

But making it as easy on yourself as possible is key. That’s why it’s crucial not to DIY infestation treatments, consider what brought them there in the first place, and keep a tight ship even after the experts have helped.

If you follow these tips, you can feel confident you won’t see these guys again anytime soon.

FadLy Handowo
My name is FadLy Handowo. I love experiencing new things and I am always looking for a new activity to try.

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